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D53 下班

夜色中,一名歸家的工人拎著午飯袋子,踏著疲憊的步伐,緩慢走出地鐵,身影隐约,在光與影之間。 In the night, a worker on his way home carries his lunch bag, stepping out of the subway with weary strides. His figure is faintly visible, lingering between light and shadow.

D52 冬夜兩岸

冬夜的查爾斯河畔,一邊是被冰雪封存的寧靜,那一邊卻是不眠夜的燦爛。 On this winter night by the Charles River, one shore rests in the stillness of ice and snow, while the other glows with the restless brilliance of Boston.

D51 夜行者

在哈佛大學附近的巷口,燈光映照著玻璃牆,讓夜晚揭示一座城市的靈魂,和隱藏在黑暗與燈火之間的故事。 At a street corner near Harvard University, the lights reflect off the glass walls, revealing the soul of the city and the stories hidden between darkness and the glow of the night.

D50 又一天

夕陽燒紅了天邊的雲彩,卻無法溫暖這棵光禿的樹,與樹前的人。 The sunset sets the sky on fire, yet it cannot warm the bare tree or the person standing before it.

D49 明天請早

常在河邊走,哪有不濕鞋。 There was a saying: “If you hang around the barbershop long enough, you will eventually get a haircut.”

D48 冬夜,凍夜

冬夜的寒氣滲透進每一寸巷弄的磚牆與積雪。縮在牆邊的人,無畏零下的溫度,抽完一根煙。 The winter night’s chill seeps into every brick wall and snow-covered alley. A figure leans against the wall, unfazed by the freezing temperature, finishing a cigarette.

D47 雨雪摟纖腰,搔首弄姿

風雪過後,這棵樹像是換上了輕紗,枝幹彎曲有致,如同靈動的舞者,在天地間輕盈擺動。積雪順著枝條落下,彷彿它正微微搖首,舒展腰肢,迎接冬日的冷冽與詩意。 The slender tree stands gracefully amidst the rain and snow, striking alluring poses.

D46 被遺忘的球場

這裡曾是 Medfield State Hospital 的後院,這座醫院於1892年成立,最初名為 Medfield Insane Asylum,是麻薩諸塞州首個專門收治慢性精神病患的機構。醫院在2003年關閉後,建築被封閉。如今雖然這個場地已被修復,但後院的球場鐵網已經生鏽,球場上的線條逐漸消失在雜草和積雪之中。在冬日的陽光下,鐵網在這裡靜靜地佇立著,守護著那些被遺忘的故事。 This was once the backyard of Medfield State Hospital, established in 1892 as the Medfield Insane Asylum, the first facility in Massachusetts dedicated to chronic mental patients. After the hospital closed in … Read More

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