Day 1 – The Ponte Vasco da Gama
今天是分享照片的第一天,我特地選了一張在自己很喜歡的地方拍的照片。… Read More
My photography stories
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday… I feel like the number of times I sing the Happy Birthday song in this month must have exceeded the total number of times I have sung it before. 感覺過去一個月唱生日歌的次數比我這一生唱生日歌的總和還多。
把自己融入在環境裡,不受干預的去投入、觀察與感受,那是攝影過程的第一步。 Put yourself into the environment, blend yourself in, try to become part of it, then observe everything in the surrounding, and feel them with your heart. These are the steps to begin photography.