D44 冬日之歌

一幽風飛散髮披肩眼裡散發一絲恨怨像要告訴我你此生不變眉宇間刺痛匆匆暗閃 The sky is ashen gray, and the wind sweeps across the fields, carrying the unique silence of winter.

D43 流光之外,寂靜之間

車輛匆匆駛過,留下道道光跡。兩座加油泵靜靜佇立,等待著。 Cars zipped by in streaks of light in a hurry. The two pumps stood there waiting.

D42 木欄

今天路過衛斯理大學,恰好看到這段木欄,在雪中佇立著,黑白分明。再過兩天,大雪將再次落下,到時候可能又是另一番景況。停車後拍了幾張照片,向 Michael Kenna 致敬。 Today, I passed by Wellesley College and happened to see this wooden fence standing silently in the snow, black and white in striking contrast. In two days, more snow will fall, and the scene may transform … Read More

D24 海登圖書館

MIT海登圖書館(Hayden Library)位於查爾斯河畔,收藏了大量的人文學科和科學領域的書籍與資料。圖書館的設計採用現代風格,融入充足的自然光線,是一個舒適且吸引人的學習與研究環境。 At MIT, Hayden Library is situated along the Charles River and houses the Humanities and Science collections. The library’s design features a modern aesthetic with ample natural light, creating an inviting atmosphere for study and research.

D23 精美的加油站

在極寒的夜晚拍攝空無一人的加油站,不僅需要耐心,更需要一件靠譜的保暖大衣。每當有車子駛入時,攝影師就要多站立五分鐘,等車子離去,才能繼續拍攝。 Tonight, I learned that photographing an empty gas station on a freezing night requires not only extra patience but also a reliable winter coat. Whenever a car pulls in, the photographer has to stand in the cold for another … Read More

D22 孤站寒燈

這是停靠的驛站,還是離別的起點,風繼續吹,燈還在等。 Is this the resting post,Or the starting point of farewell?The wind keeps blowing,The light keeps waiting.

D21 燈如豆,小鎮寒;雪如席,冬夜長

兩天前的一場大雪,為小鎮的公園鋪上了一片雪白的地毯。白天孩童們在雪地上嬉戲奔跑的痕跡依稀可見,彷彿還能聽見他們的笑聲在空氣中回蕩。然而,寒夜降臨,公園裡早已杳無人跡,只有冷冽的小燈靜靜地照著無聲的雪地,和一個冷得直抖瑟的攝影師。 Two days ago, a heavy snowfall blanketed the small town park with a pristine white carpet. The traces of children playing and running in the snow during the day were still faintly visible, as if their laughter still lingered … Read More

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