D2 午後的葡萄牙塔霍河畔

我特別喜愛塔霍河畔光影交錯的美妙,每個散步的身影都獨立成姿,輪廓分明,彼此不重疊,彷彿一幅和諧的剪影畫。。 I especially enjoy the interplay of light and shadow along the Tagus River, where each strolling figure stands distinct, their silhouettes gracefully isolated without overlap.

D1 第一個日出

攝於里斯本的日出時分,標誌著365天拍攝旅程的第一步。剪影靜靜地沉思,迎接新一天的晨光與無限的可能。 Taken at sunrise by the Tagus River in Lisbon, this image marks the first step of the 365-day photo journey. A silhouette in quiet contemplation, welcoming the light of a new day and the possibilities ahead.

2025 Week 01 新年伊始

新年的第一天,我坐在里斯本的河邊,迎接2025年的第一縷陽光。看著朝陽從微黃的小光點逐漸升起,最終成為耀眼的火球,心中仿佛從一個小小的新年願望延展到一個宏大的目標與理想。… Read More

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